Application must be made by an individual (both resident and non-resident), a corporation or company (both local and foreign), a trust or a society (registered in or outside Bangladesh) and not by a firm, minor or person of unsound mind. Applications from the Insurance, Financial / Capital Market Intermediaries or any other Companies must be accompanied by Memorandum and Articles of Association.
Joint application by two persons is acceptable. In such cases, registration and issuance of “Confirmation of Unit Allocation” will be in favor of principal applicant while dividend and other benefits, if any, will be addressed to the bank account of principal applicant mentioned in the application form / bank account mentioned in BO account. In case of the death of any of the joint holders, only the survivor shall be recognized as having any title to the Units. On death of both the joint holders, the title to the units will bestowed upon the nominee mentioned in the application form.